Some Good Data
Your professional Digital Transformation Expert
Consultant (Data Analysis)
Building Insights from your underutilized Data. Fabricating Dashboards, Creating Data flows, or building insights for all your divisions.
From HR, to Operations, to Sales
Construct a Data Structure specific for your Dataflow
Build a HR Dashboard
Head Count and Years of Service
Build a Sales Dashboard
Customer Account Location and Revenue
Sales person to account to market tracker
Build a Financial / Operations Dashboard
Ranking of Products in Revenue and Profit
Retention, Start and End date,
Training Tracker
Revenue Run Rate
(Per Product/ Grouping)
Customer Targets and YOY Revenue
Revenue Tracker (New Unit vs. Aftermarket)
Full List of Possible Dashboards that we have experience building:
Sales Dashboards: Sales Pipeline, Sales top 20 Customers, Customers that are decreasing, Customers that have not been contacted in 1 year of time, Sales time vs. Hit rate, Customer hit rate ranking, Customers that utilize the quoting team the most, Customers that are costing you money, Customers Spend rate, Customer Ramp Rate, Customer velocity rate, “I am traveling to Denver, which customers should I talk to?”, customers qty per state, customer revenue per state, Customer average revenue per transaction, Customer Rank per Revenue, Customer Rank per Margin%, Revenue vs. Margin%. Customers ranked per aftermarket Sales, Discount vs. Hitrate, Hitrate over time, Salesperson Rank, Revenue per salesperson, Margin $ per Salesperson, Qty of Opportunites per salesperson, Weighted Possible revenue per Salesperson, Opportunity YOY comparison, Account Manager Dashboard,
Marketing Dashboards:
CMO Dashboard, Facebook conversion dashboard, website analytics, Social media monitoring dashboard, Google Ads Campain dashboard, Email Newsletter conversion dashboard, SEO Performance, Leads to Opportunity statistics, A/B Testing Dashboard,
Operation Statistics:
Product Ship date % Late, % shipment, hours per product, Manufacturing uptime, Assembly time Uptime, Vendor cycle, Vendor on-time %, Engineering hours per product, Engineering hours per project, Engineering support of factory,
Call Center Dashboards, Quote on Time %, Quote Duration over time, Quote Hit Rate, Quotes per group or person, Quotes
CEO Dashboards:
Revenue on a map of the USA/Globe,
Finance Dashboards:
CFO Dashboard, SaaS Dashboards, Cashflow Dashboard, 6-month roadmap, Prediction analysis of Current orders and Prospective Orders.
Product Statistics:
“Printer/ Ink” aftermarket performance, Product Evolution Dashboard, Product showing the ramp down and ramp up of year product. 80/20 rank or all products per year bases, 80/20 rank product margins, Product cost breakdowns, Costs over time per category, Engineering effort per Product line, Product line cannibalization, Marketing performance per product, Market Share roadmap, Market analysis Dashboard, Customer Market 10 Year Plan, Product to Customer Demographic Dashboards,
Customer Satisfaction:
NPS Score, NPS over time, SSI over time, NPS per division, Comments from the Call Center
Project Planning Dashboards: Dashboard, Closed items per week,
Utilizing any or all of the following sources:
Saleforce, Zoho, Hubspot, Dynamics 365, Azure, Excel, Sharepoint, Access, ODBC, Azure, SAP Hana, Snowflake, Dynamics, AWS, Survey Monkey, Power Apps, Power Flow, Smartsheet, Planview, Microsoft, Oracle, Oracle Netsuite,, etc…
Where is you on the Digitization Journey???